
Thursday, May 12, 2011

One finished .. one still working !

Ryan's quilt

Crazy Cars
This cute little quilt was custom ordered for a boy who likes cars! What a fun quilt to do. I put in a star and one car next to the name in the center. It is a pale blue fabric, (hope you can see, it's hard to get a decent photo) and a wild blue with lots of cars on the back.
I used a pale blue cotton thread to quilt it and everything was prewashed. I like to use a fairly dense quilting on baby quilts as they are going to get tons of love and use..and probably some dirt too!

Meanwhile I am plugging away on the large Ohio Rose. It is turning out very pretty. I will try and get pictures at the end of today. Need to do a bit more quilting.

I got the final block in my Mystery BOM , the Christmas one. I can't believe it has been a year. I have block 11 & 12 to do, but already have the rest in rows.
But I am way behind in the Layer Cake Quilt a Long!  I need to add borders and get her done! Where do they sell clones? I need one.


  1. the cars quilting is so cute!
    And love what your doing on the Ohio Rose

  2. Cute boy quilt!! And your Ohio Rose is just stunning. Keep up the good work, I love seeing it and getting inspired.
