
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Robot quilt from robot fabrics for a robot lover!
My youngest loves anything robot. He has a room full of robots and even a robot clock. I felt it was time to get this done for him. This is a easy pattern by Threaded Pear called Flower Power. I just added a few inches to the borders to make it a bit bigger. Making this pattern allowed me to not cut up the main fabric so you really see all those robots!
Main fabric


The green fabric border is gears and pulleys, the dark blue is circuit board wiring and the final border is bigger robots and wires.
On the back is a dark blue print that showed off the quilting pattern which guessed it, more robots!

The thread was a lime green, so the design shows on the back really well.
Ok, I have some fabric left for another robot pillowcase. Then I am robot-ed out!

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