
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ohio Rose-Finally Finished!

I finished this quilt today. It has been hanging around for about 2 years in various stages of doneness.
I purchased this antique top when I first started longarming as a practice piece. It had several issues..fullness, uneven border, age spots and discoloration in the background fabric. After looking at it for awhile I decided I wasn't expert enough to tackle it and put it away. I pulled it out a couple years ago and started on it. Then life got in the way and it sat for a while. I took a look at it last week and realized it just needed the final 3 borders bottom & sides and it would be done!!!
 Loaded it up in a lull when I was waiting for an order of black batting for the next client quilt.  Did the borders! DONE!!!
 Next was the dreaded  washing and blocking. Knowing nothing about the origin of the top, I assumed it was unwashed. Soaked it with color catchers and it came out perfect. No bleeding! Still a few age spots but is cleaner and fresher. When it dries completely I will bind it. Hmmm pink or green binding? Haven't decided.
    I have been busy quilting and catching up on my orders since being sidetracked by illness in the family. Everyone is fine now and I will be posting a quilt show later.

Feels good to get one done for ME! This is going on my bed this fall/winter.
Glide thread Linen, Wool batt. (loved the batt!)

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